kubectl Usage Conventions

Recommended usage conventions for kubectl.

Using kubectl in Reusable Scripts

For a stable output in a script:

  • Request one of the machine-oriented output forms, such as -o name, -o json, -o yaml, -o go-template, or -o jsonpath.
  • Fully-qualify the version. For example, jobs.v1.batch/myjob. This will ensure that kubectl does not use its default version that can change over time.
  • Don't rely on context, preferences, or other implicit states.


  • You can use the --subresource alpha flag for kubectl commands like get, patch, edit and replace to fetch and update subresources for all resources that support them. Currently, only the status and scale subresources are supported.
  • The API contract against a subresource is identical to a full resource. While updating the status subresource to a new value, keep in mind that the subresource could be potentially reconciled by a controller to a different value.

Best Practices

kubectl run

For kubectl run to satisfy infrastructure as code:

  • Tag the image with a version-specific tag and don't move that tag to a new version. For example, use :v1234, v1.2.3, r03062016-1-4, rather than :latest (For more information, see Best Practices for Configuration).
  • Check in the script for an image that is heavily parameterized.
  • Switch to configuration files checked into source control for features that are needed, but not expressible via kubectl run flags.

You can use the --dry-run=client flag to preview the object that would be sent to your cluster, without really submitting it.

kubectl apply

  • You can use kubectl apply to create or update resources. For more information about using kubectl apply to update resources, see Kubectl Book.
Last modified February 22, 2023 at 9:09 AM PST: 更新编辑 (f4a7975)