Validating Admission Policy

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.26 [alpha]

This page provides an overview of Validating Admission Policy.

What is Validating Admission Policy?

Validating admission policies offer a declarative, in-process alternative to validating admission webhooks.

Validating admission policies use the Common Expression Language (CEL) to declare the validation rules of a policy. Validation admission policies are highly configurable, enabling policy authors to define policies that can be parameterized and scoped to resources as needed by cluster administrators.

What Resources Make a Policy

A policy is generally made up of three resources:

  • The ValidatingAdmissionPolicy describes the abstract logic of a policy (think: "this policy makes sure a particular label is set to a particular value").

  • A ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding links the above resources together and provides scoping. If you only want to require an owner label to be set for Pods, the binding is where you would specify this restriction.

  • A parameter resource provides information to a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy to make it a concrete statement (think "the owner label must be set to something that ends in"). A native type such as ConfigMap or a CRD defines the schema of a parameter resource. ValidatingAdmissionPolicy objects specify what Kind they are expecting for their parameter resource.

At least a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and a corresponding ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding must be defined for a policy to have an effect.

If a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy does not need to be configured via parameters, simply leave spec.paramKind in ValidatingAdmissionPolicy unset.

Before you begin

  • Ensure the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy feature gate is enabled.
  • Ensure that the API is enabled.

Getting Started with Validating Admission Policy

Validating Admission Policy is part of the cluster control-plane. You should write and deploy them with great caution. The following describes how to quickly experiment with Validating Admission Policy.

Creating a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy

The following is an example of a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy.

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
  name: ""
  failurePolicy: Fail
    - apiGroups:   ["apps"]
      apiVersions: ["v1"]
      operations:  ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
      resources:   ["deployments"]
    - expression: "object.spec.replicas <= 5"

spec.validations contains CEL expressions which use the Common Expression Language (CEL) to validate the request. If an expression evaluates to false, the validation check is enforced according to the spec.failurePolicy field.

To configure a validating admission policy for use in a cluster, a binding is required. The following is an example of a ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.:

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
  name: ""
  policyName: ""
        environment: test

When trying to create a deployment with replicas set not satisfying the validation expression, an error will return containing message:

ValidatingAdmissionPolicy '' with binding '' denied request: failed expression: object.spec.replicas <= 5

The above provides a simple example of using ValidatingAdmissionPolicy without a parameter configured.

Parameter resources

Parameter resources allow a policy configuration to be separate from its definition. A policy can define paramKind, which outlines GVK of the parameter resource, and then a policy binding ties a policy by name (via policyName) to a particular parameter resource via paramRef.

If parameter configuration is needed, the following is an example of a ValidatingAdmissionPolicy with parameter configuration.

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
  name: ""
  failurePolicy: Fail
    kind: ReplicaLimit
    - apiGroups:   ["apps"]
      apiVersions: ["v1"]
      operations:  ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
      resources:   ["deployments"]
    - expression: "object.spec.replicas <= params.maxReplicas"
      reason: Invalid

The spec.paramKind field of the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy specifies the kind of resources used to parameterize this policy. For this example, it is configured by ReplicaLimit custom resources. Note in this example how the CEL expression references the parameters via the CEL params variable, e.g. params.maxReplicas. spec.matchConstraints specifies what resources this policy is designed to validate. Note that the native types such like ConfigMap could also be used as parameter reference.

The spec.validations fields contain CEL expressions. If an expression evaluates to false, the validation check is enforced according to the spec.failurePolicy field.

The validating admission policy author is responsible for providing the ReplicaLimit parameter CRD.

To configure an validating admission policy for use in a cluster, a binding and parameter resource are created. The following is an example of a ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
  name: ""
  policyName: ""
    name: ""
        environment: test

The parameter resource could be as following:

kind: ReplicaLimit
  name: ""
maxReplicas: 3

This policy parameter resource limits deployments to a max of 3 replicas in all namespaces in the test environment. An admission policy may have multiple bindings. To bind all other environments environment to have a maxReplicas limit of 100, create another ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding:

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
  name: "replicalimit-binding-nontest"
  policyName: ""
    name: ""
      - key: environment
        operator: NotIn
        - test

And have a parameter resource like:

kind: ReplicaLimit
  name: ""
maxReplicas: 100

Bindings can have overlapping match criteria. The policy is evaluated for each matching binding. In the above example, the "nontest" policy binding could instead have been defined as a global policy:

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding
  name: "replicalimit-binding-global"
  policyName: ""
  params: ""
      - key: environment
        operator: Exists

The params object representing a parameter resource will not be set if a parameter resource has not been bound, so for policies requiring a parameter resource, it can be useful to add a check to ensure one has been bound.

For the use cases require parameter configuration, we recommend to add a param check in spec.validations[0].expression:

- expression: "params != null"
  message: "params missing but required to bind to this policy"

It can be convenient to be able to have optional parameters as part of a parameter resource, and only validate them if present. CEL provides has(), which checks if the key passed to it exists. CEL also implements Boolean short-circuiting. If the first half of a logical OR evaluates to true, it won’t evaluate the other half (since the result of the entire OR will be true regardless).

Combining the two, we can provide a way to validate optional parameters:

!has(params.optionalNumber) || (params.optionalNumber >= 5 && params.optionalNumber <= 10)

Here, we first check that the optional parameter is present with !has(params.optionalNumber).

  • If optionalNumber hasn’t been defined, then the expression short-circuits since !has(params.optionalNumber) will evaluate to true.
  • If optionalNumber has been defined, then the latter half of the CEL expression will be evaluated, and optionalNumber will be checked to ensure that it contains a value between 5 and 10 inclusive.

Authorization Check

We introduced the authorization check for parameter resources. User is expected to have read access to the resources referenced by paramKind in ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and paramRef in ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.

Note that if a resource in paramKind fails resolving via the restmapper, read access to all resources of groups is required.

Failure Policy

failurePolicy defines how mis-configurations and CEL expressions evaluating to error from the admission policy are handled. Allowed values are Ignore or Fail.

  • Ignore means that an error calling the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy is ignored and the API request is allowed to continue.
  • Fail means that an error calling the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy causes the admission to fail and the API request to be rejected.

Note that the failurePolicy is defined inside ValidatingAdmissionPolicy:

kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
failurePolicy: Ignore # The default is "Fail"
- expression: " == params.x"  

Validation Expression

spec.validations[i].expression represents the expression which will be evaluated by CEL. To learn more, see the CEL language specification CEL expressions have access to the contents of the Admission request/response, organized into CEL variables as well as some other useful variables:

  • 'object' - The object from the incoming request. The value is null for DELETE requests.
  • 'oldObject' - The existing object. The value is null for CREATE requests.
  • 'request' - Attributes of the admission request.
  • 'params' - Parameter resource referred to by the policy binding being evaluated. The value is null if ParamKind is unset.

The apiVersion, kind, and metadata.generateName are always accessible from the root of the object. No other metadata properties are accessible.

Only property names of the form [a-zA-Z_.-/][a-zA-Z0-9_.-/]* are accessible. Accessible property names are escaped according to the following rules when accessed in the expression:

escape sequenceproperty name equivalent
__{keyword}__CEL RESERVED keyword

Examples on escaping:

property namerule with escaped property name
namespaceself.__namespace__ > 0
x-propself.x__dash__prop > 0
redact__dself.redact__underscores__d > 0

Equality on arrays with list type of 'set' or 'map' ignores element order, i.e. [1, 2] == [2, 1]. Concatenation on arrays with x-kubernetes-list-type use the semantics of the list type: - 'set': X + Y performs a union where the array positions of all elements in X are preserved and non-intersecting elements in Y are appended, retaining their partial order. - 'map': X + Y performs a merge where the array positions of all keys in X are preserved but the values are overwritten by values in Y when the key sets of X and Y intersect. Elements in Y with non-intersecting keys are appended, retaining their partial order.

Validation expression examples

object.minReplicas <= object.replicas && object.replicas <= object.maxReplicasValidate that the three fields defining replicas are ordered appropriately
'Available' in object.stateCountsValidate that an entry with the 'Available' key exists in a map
(size(object.list1) == 0) != (size(object.list2) == 0)Validate that one of two lists is non-empty, but not both
!('MY_KEY' in object.map1) || object['MY_KEY'].matches('^[a-zA-Z]*$')Validate the value of a map for a specific key, if it is in the map
object.envars.filter(e, == 'MY_ENV').all(e, e.value.matches('^[a-zA-Z]*$')Validate the 'value' field of a listMap entry where key field 'name' is 'MY_ENV'
has(object.expired) && object.created + object.ttl < object.expiredValidate that 'expired' date is after a 'create' date plus a 'ttl' duration'ok')Validate a 'health' string field has the prefix 'ok'
object.widgets.exists(w, w.key == 'x' && < 10)Validate that the 'foo' property of a listMap item with a key 'x' is less than 10
type(object) == string ? object == '100%' : object == 1000Validate an int-or-string field for both the int and string cases that an object's name has the prefix of another field value
object.set1.all(e, !(e in object.set2))Validate that two listSets are disjoint
size(object.names) == size(object.details) && object.names.all(n, n in object.details)Validate the 'details' map is keyed by the items in the 'names' listSet
size(object.clusters.filter(c, == object.primary)) == 1Validate that the 'primary' property has one and only one occurrence in the 'clusters' listMap

Read Supported evaluation on CEL for more information about CEL rules.

spec.validation[i].reason represents a machine-readable description of why this validation failed. If this is the first validation in the list to fail, this reason, as well as the corresponding HTTP response code, are used in the HTTP response to the client. The currently supported reasons are: Unauthorized, Forbidden, Invalid, RequestEntityTooLarge. If not set, StatusReasonInvalid is used in the response to the client.

Last modified February 22, 2023 at 9:09 AM PST: 更新编辑 (f4a7975)